Pakistan Footwear Industry is Rising at the Rate of 15.86% /year (highest in the world)

According to the World Footwear 2019 Yearbook (AVAILABLE HERE), in 2018, Pakistan's international trade reversed the trends from recent years with exports growing and imports decreasing. Pakistan was the 8th largest producer of footwear with 411 million pairs and a world share of 1.7%. With a population of 201 million people, Pakistan was also the 8th largest consumer of footwear. The industry is mainly focused on its internal market, exporting...

Impact of Pakistani Footwear Industry in the World

Pakistan produces a wide range of footwear to cater for the needs of a variety of customers – men and women, boys and girls, pedestrians and joggers, business executives and bureaucrats, office goers and hawkers, squash and hockey players, cricketers and footballers, mountaineers and foresters, policemen and soldiers and specially designed footwear for the disabled. Many factories have a production capacity of 2,500 pairs per day, while the...

Shoe manufacturing industry has great potential to grow in Pakistan

The shoe manufacturing industry is one of the ancient and major industries of Pakistan which produces high quality finished products and has a great potential to grow. Pakistan exports footwear to more than 60 countries in five continents of the world. Pakistan’s exports of footwear have registered a high rate of growth in the recent past. Revenue in the Footwear segment is projected to reach US$358m in 2021. Revenue is expected to show an...

Global Footwear Industry and Pakistan: History and Significance of Rising Markets

Footwear Industry has been growing since the earliest human history, archaeological finds of complete shoes date back to the Chalcolithic (ca. 5.000 BCE). Some ancient civilizations, such as Egypt and Greece however saw no practical need for footwear due to convenient climatic and landscape situations and used shoes primarily as ornaments and insignia of power. Footwear has always remained an unmistakable signs of power and status in society as...

Searching the Life on Mars : History of Exploration

There are a few things which have fascinated the mankind since the very beginning such as Life on Mars or on other plants or solar system. Be it big bang theory, concept and myths attached to black hole paradigm, it is all in a sync for the human brain. Multiple occasions have occurred when the depth and passion of human ability to explore the hidden secrets of the universe became evident. Same is the case when it comes to planets, and their...

How can probiotics play a part in fighting against cancer?

Probiotics are living microorganisms which have beneficial effects on the health of host. They do this by balancing the host's gut flora. Gut flora or intestinal microflora is a term used to define the bacteria and other organisms that live inside the intestines. Also, they digest food and produce vitamins such as Biotin and vitamin K. Probiotics are playing important role in fight against infectious disease and cancer. The anti cancer...

Imaging Modalities used in the Diagnosis of Skeletal Metastasis

The best diagnostic imaging method for Skeletal Metastasis is a combination of the available imaging modalities. For example, bone scintigraphy must be used alongside FDG- PED in order to ensure accurate diagnosis and detection of the bone metastases. This is because bone scintigraphy is the most sensitive and cost effective method, but it is not that accurate. Choosing the right Imaging Modality for Skeletal Metastasis Read this also: Skeletal...

Skeletal Metastasis in Soft Tissue Sarcoma and its Diagnosis

This report will discuss about the skeletal metastasis in Soft Tissue Sarcoma (STS) and the available diagnostic techniques of it. Patients can be diagnosed through the use of bone scintigraphy, CT (computed tomography), whole body Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Positron Emission Tomography (PET). The main factors involved in choosing an imaging modality are specificity, features, and cost of the equipment. As the name suggests, STS occurs...

What are the rich sources of antioxidants?

Antioxidants are basically nutrients found in food which can prevent body damage. It has been found that they can even prevent cancer and other degenerative diseases. Antioxidants can be found in most of the food but  fruits, vegetables and brandy grains are rich sources of antioxidants as fruits, vegetables and brandy grains are rich source of vitamins. The details of each vitamin as a rich source of antioxidant is given below; Vitamin C as a...

How do antioxidants play a part in cancer prevention and treatment?

Antioxidants are molecules which slow down the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that starts a series of other reactions cause damage to cells by producing free radicals. Antioxidants play a vital role in the cancer prevention and treatment. Some examples of antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids and beta-carotene. Antioxidants destroy carcinogenic substances (having the potential to cause cancer) that...

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