Career Opportunities in Research Support Services Sector

Research is one of the most important and worth-exploring sector of any country or a nation. Individuals with a sense of interest in the research and scientific development must should be pursuing their careers in the respective field. Research Support Services sectors apart from facilitating researchers, educationists and scientists, also provide opportunities to research enthusiasts on different inspiring positions. We have listed down some of...

Disadvantages of E-learning or Online Learning

E-learning or online learning has been one of the educational trends we have seen every now and then but this time, it was due to covid-19 that we saw educational institutions all over the world shutting their onsite classrooms and moving onto an e-learning lifestyle. We saw how the world appreciated efforts of teachers and educational professionals who tried their best to keep the mission of education going on in the time of crisis but when...

SARS-CoV-2 virus is inactivated in just 10-20 minutes when exposed to sunlight: UC Santa Barbara Study Reported

Prof. Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz from UC Santa Barbara and others from Oregon State University, University of Manchester and ETH Zurich examined another well known characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 virus — its vulnerability to sunlight and its inactivation when it is exposed to sunlight having UV-B rays. According to the letter published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases of Oxford University Press, the experiments demonstrated virus inactivation...

Differentiation between Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Concepts

There are different ways to understand certain concepts especially when it comes to grabbing complete understanding of an academic concept coming straight out of a complicated research. To make this process of understanding clear and smooth, numerous techniques defined by certain terminologies have been introduced, and out of those, we have listed out some of the approaches defined ahead. • Multidisciplinary: People from different disciplines...

Work from Home vs Work from Office : Comparison and Advantages

The covid-19 pandemic occurred suddenly and brought it with itself numerous adjustments to deal with. One of them was the shift of leading employment organizations to Work from Home system for the first time ever. The trend of Work from Home system was new and difficult to grasp for so many as included a clear and smart usage of technical equipment and techniques but it also brought some comparative advantages to our daily lifestyle. Today, let...

Scientists revealed insight of controlling severe COVID-19 situation and saving lives

Jeong Seok Lee & Eui-Cheol Shin of GENOME INSIGHT Inc. and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) respectively, have recently described conditions of severe Covid19 patients and proposed strategies to control the severe condition and reduce the rising death rate due to coronavirus infection. This work was published in Nature Reviews of Immunology, the leading reviews journal of immunology in the world. The work has...

Work From Home : A New Lifestyle Introduced in COVID-19 Pandemic

Covid-19 with all the indecent occurrences it brought along caused the dynamics of world lifestyle to be changed drastically. It not only changed the basic human lifestyle with sudden enforcement of social distancing and necessary precautions but also created new trends of lifestyle and work ethics which were adopted and applauded all over the world. One of these great traditions was of remote work culture which was initially encouraged and...

Rise in Novel Technologies amidst Covid-19

2020 was entirely new for the GEN Z. The sudden uncalled occurrence of a deadly pandemic, and the resulting crisis due to the pandemic resulted in a situation which required preventive and smart measures to keep the basic life of world on track. In those circumstances, what helped the world leaders and organizations to maintain the world was the existence of technology. Technology without any doubt came in as a savior in the covid-19 crisis. A...

Statistics of Gastric Cancer in Eastern Iran: Importance of Cancer Registries

Gastric cancer is the cancer of the stomach's inner lining. In Iran, the North and South Khorasan provinces lack proper medical facilities for treatment of cancer. That's why the people who live there must travel to the more developed provinces in order to get cancer treatments. This situation has resulted in errors in calculation of cancer burden in Iran's Razavi-Khorasan province. Firstly, the misclassification error has made registry systems...

Covid-19 and its Impact on the Life of Children

Covid-19 was a life threatening occurrence for not only the mankind but it horrified the existence of life in every case. Covid-19 and its Impact are inevitable to the society as people belonging from almost all the age groups and various walks of life got affected by the occurrence of a deadly pandemic all of a sudden. This whole scenario played a big role in the life of children who, with their innocence and curious nature, tried their best to...

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