Startup Building – Learn the Basics!

startup building

Start-up Building Course at Science Insight Academy


  • Ideation (Development and Validation)
  • Communications and Internationalization – Tools of Developing Innovative Ideas and Solutions
  • Developing an Idea – First Step of the Commercialization Journey
  • Evaluating the Economic and Executive Feasibility of an Innovative Idea
  • Why Every Developing Entrepreneur Should Participate in Technology Oriented Conferences?
  • Preparing a Good Pitch Deck – Useful Tips
  • MVP Development & Product/Services Testing
  • Team building and Setting up a company
  • Selling a product & making profits
  • Survival and Growth for Scale Up (Management, Auditing & Legal Rules)


  • Communications and Internationalization – Tools of Developing Innovative Ideas and Solutions


Hello dear students and developing entrepreneurs,


Development of innovative ideas and SOPs to solve the problems, is the first step towards becoming an entrepreneur and starting a journey of commercialization via setting up a business or company.


We have always many ideas in our brain but as per probability ratio, there are about 30 people in the world thinking the same what we are thinking at a time. So, our all ideas are not globally innovative unless we execute them first and for this purpose, we have to choose the most innovative and feasible one among all as soon as possible.


Communication and globalization are the only tools which can help you to choose the best idea for developing SOPs and solutions which can pave the road of your future innovative business. Innovative businesses are the entrepreneurial activities which are not based on the big financial investments but an innovative, feasible and executed idea.


Keep talking and engaging the people about your innovative ideas at local level and keep communicating at international level to seed your idea for setting up your future business.


Stay with us on our Start-up Building series at Science Insight Academy YouTube Channel to learn that how an idea can be transformed into a successful business.


  • Developing an Idea – First Step of the Commercialization Journey

Hello dear Students and Developing Entrepreneurs,

An Innovative and feasible idea is all you need to set up your innovative business.  Developing your innovative idea is the first step of your commercialization journey which you have conceived and seeded using your communication and internationalization skills.

Sharing the Research!

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