Work from Home vs Work from Office : Comparison and Advantages

The covid-19 pandemic occurred suddenly and brought it with itself numerous adjustments to deal with. One of them was the shift of leading employment organizations to Work from Home system for the first time ever.

The trend of Work from Home system was new and difficult to grasp for so many as included a clear and smart usage of technical equipment and techniques but it also brought some comparative advantages to our daily lifestyle.

Today, let us have a look on some of those highlights which make Work from Home system a blessing in disguise.

• Flexibility of Work from Home System:

The Work from Home system provides flexibility in working hours. There is no need to wake up two hours prior to your reporting time. You can simply get up by your own convenience, grab yourself a coffee and sit in front of your laptop with ease. Not only this, but the remote working system is flexible enough to get short breaks in which you can catchup with news, eat something, get back to social media and much more can be done.

• Easy Communication:

Easy communication is one of the promising features of working from home. It’s no doubt different than our usual face to face in-office meetings but work from home has its own benefits. There is no need to prepare yourself to report in the conference rooms, you can sit anywhere anytime you want with a solid internet connection and can communicate easily with your peers and management.

This communication has been offered a professional environment by video-conferencing, zoom meeting and Microsoft teams being the host apps providing a decent space to discuss business goals and form future strategies. It can also become fun if you arrange a concluding gaming activity in the end of your session to save the day on a good note.

• Productivity:

A study conducted by UC Irvine found that a typical office worker is interrupted every 11 minutes. If that wasn’t bad enough, it takes 25 minutes to get back on task. While working from home, you can easily manage to stay away from the usual chatting with your peers, getting less distracted.

For example, call center employees that work from home were able to boost their productivity by 13%, according to a Stanford study. This simply means that while you miss in-office working days, the fact that remote working helps in boosting your performance and doubles your productivity needs your attention already.

• Low Financial Costs of Work from Home System:

Remote working lowers your expenses, and this is an evident fact. You work from home and save your daily expense of travelling to the office, maintenance, and food. Well, the fact is it doesn’t entirely lower the costs but compensates the daily expense to your costs of internet connection and electricity consumption which gets doubles while you work from home.

• Computing:

Computing is another factor which is eased while you work from home. Remote working means there is no need to go out, get a public transport in time to reach the office. All you need is to transform yourself into a telecommuter by setting up the work desk, plugging in the devices and boom, you are ready to get in your work mode.

There might be a difference of opinions on these advantages and preference of employees but indeed, working from home was an elite experience which made people learn a lot helping them to get productive in their own.

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