European Union, Eastern European Partnership and Role of Turkey

European Union (EU) is a political and economic union established on November, 1 1993 in Maastricht, Netherlands to create stability and mutual cooperation between its member countries. It consists of 27 member states that are subjected to the obligations and privileges of being a member of the Union and the members of eastern Europe under the Eastern European Partnership program having limited privileges of Union.

For every member state, there are some obligations to follow. All members must unanimously participate in treaties founded by the EU and must unanimously agree to the foreign and defense policies.

Turkey’s Involvement in EU and Eastern European Partnership:

Turkey was initially not a part of European Union. In 1987, Turkey applied to join European Economic Community and in 1997, it was declared to join the European Union. Since then, Turkey is one of the key strategic partners of EU.

It has been acknowledged for its tremendous performance on the issues of security, migration, counter-terrorism, and the economy but has been lacking in the areas of democracy, rule of law, and fundamental rights.

Turkey and EU joined hands for visa liberalization dialogue which was launched in 2013.

The third Report on progress by Turkey in fulfilling requirements of its visa liberalization roadmap was published in May 2016 and found seven outstanding benchmarks to be met by Turkey. A Joint EU-Turkey Action Plan agreed in October 2015 and was activated at the EU-Turkey Summit on 29 November 2015.

The establishment of EU facility for refugees in Turkey at the end of 2015 aimed to provide the European Union with a coordination mechanism that should allow for the swift, effective and efficient mobilization of EU assistance to refugees in Turkey.

Turkey towards Establishment of Eastern European Union:

Turkey has now initiating steps for the formation of Eastern European Union as the European Union even after years of its establishment behaves as two halves divided in Eastern and Western Union. The reason that follows this division is the primary evident differences of democracy and mindset between Eastern and European Union.

Turkey has felt the need for establishment of Eastern European Union to eliminate the mindset of ‘conservative East’ and ‘liberal West’.

Turkey is more interested to focus on the reasons behind these misconceptions, it is of the mindset that in reality attitudes towards religion, human rights, fundamental laws, and democracy painted this mixed picture which then further developed difference of mindsets.

Speculations are being made that turkey will be successful in establishing an Eastern European Union with having primary focus on elements of equality, freedom of speech, defense, mutual cooperation, and creating stable and cordial relationships.

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